© Catalina Browne (cattookanap). All rights reserved.


3rd year collection 2018-2019
project instructions; what is femininity to you?

My vision of femininity is to be childish and playful yet in a more mature way. Girls are often associated with being surly and bratty from a young age. I don’t think that femininity is something that applies to people only, because for example a flower can look feminine or even a building, like Gaudi’s ‘‘Casa Batllo’’on St. Jordi’s day, where they decorate it with roses which represent love. Femininity is more of an abstract concept since it depends on how the person views it. It can be a certain state of mind or a certain mood one feels among other things.
My collection is meant to represent a more childish aspect of femininity. My point is to mix both a more more mature aspect or explicit part of being or feeling feminine and mix it with a crafty or childish feel to it.

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working process ↓


embroideries i've done over the years, weather they're samples or from actual projects or for fun.

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let the flowers bloom

During the first year we focused on illustration, research techniques and we dyed muslin to make the clothes as well as knitting (at least) a garment. This year was mostly learning how to illustrate and really push our skills further.

wandering in s(pac)ea

This year was all about structure and improving our stitching skills. I decided to deconstruct garments and gather them. This year I also did some batik. My inspiration for it was mostly mermaids and pastel coloured galaxies. Mermaids to me serve as a symbol that represents romance. When I was a kid someone told me that there was a fisher man who's surname was Wars and mermaids swam through seas and rivers. A mermaid called Sawa swam down the Vistula river and met Wars, the fisherman. Their love, was forbidden and they couldn't be together but in memory of their love the symbol of ''Warsawa'' became a mermaid.

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photobook ↓

working process ↓

about + skills + certificates

I was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina on the 4th of March 1999 and I'm a Fashion Design graduate from Polimoda (Florence, Italy), I did an Haute Couture internship for 6 1/2 months at Zyanya Keizer, in the Netherlands. Here I did a lot of pattern-making, embroidery, draping, some excel work, sewing, beading, teamwork and assisting in photoshoots.When I have the liberty of choice, I like to make very girly and dolly clothes. I like basing my designs on baby clothing items since I like embroidering and cartoonish prints along with softer more delicate materials.
My hobbies are drawing/painting and embroidery, I also like writing stories during my free time and love watching horror films!
My skills:
○ Drawing/Illustration/Painting/Digital Art (focus on faces, clothes and still lives)
○ Embroidery + Beading
○ Knitting (both by hand and by industrial machine/brother machine)
○ Sewing (by machine and by hand)
○ Draping
○ Upcycling
○ Adobe: Photoshop (very good), Illustrator (good), InDesign (very good)
○ Microsoft Office: Excel, Power Point, Word (Apple and Google equivalents)

Thank you

hope you liked my work so far and i wish you all the best! xoxo

not a piece of cake.

4th year project (delayed by covid)

It’s hard to find someone who never said “That cake looks delicious.” just because of the exterior appearance. More than often, cakes have different layers and fillings. In ‘Vanitas’ paintings, they often used sugar piles to represent the “white sin” since it brought tooth decay among other illnesses such as diabetes. Food decays and we do too.
Some people look sweet and they’re total bitches, whereas some are actually sweet. I want to convey how someone can look cute but maybe they’re rotten inside. Unfortunately ’millennials’ are known for being the saddest and most stressed generation, due to the societal norms that adults and tens/kids built, whereas we, kidults are stuck in between the world where we could go play outside in the street or the world where we strained our eyes by playing on a gameboy or a nintendo past our bed time.
My theme is more of a fantasy princess type of thing but with a hint of reality.

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working process ↓

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